While we are negotiating our North of 60 Agreement, the Athabasca Denesųłiné  Né Né Land Corporation (ADNLC) has an Interim Measures Agreement (IMA) that ensures we are included in consultations and different resource management activities in the Northwest Territories.
A lot of the work we do under this agreement is about protecting and managing caribou and caribou habitat. Some example of the processes we are involved in include:
    • We sit on the Bathurst Caribou Advisory Committee (BCAC) and provide advice on the Bathurst Caribou Management Plan (BCMP) which is supported by the Government of the NWT (GNWT)
    • We are providing input on an initiative to protect critical caribou habitat through the new NWT Wildlife Act
    • We are working on developing an Athabasca Denesųłiné Caribou Management Plan.  This plan will be developed based on community and Elder input.  ADNLC was given the mandate to develop the Management Plan at the 2019 Athabasca Denesųłiné Regional Barren ground Caribou Workshop (January 23-24, 2019 Hatchet Lake). This was the subject of a resolution of the Prince Albert Grand Council. ADNLC is also working towards implementing the 2016 Athabasca Overlap Harvesting Protocol with the Manitoba Denesuline.
    • The ADNLC is continuing to build our long-term database on barren ground caribou harvest by the communities.  This information is invaluable to understand the needs of the communities and how harvest changes with time.

This work is very positive, but also means we have a lot of information we need to share with our communities and we also need to engage with land users and hunters to get more information and feedback so we can participate effectively on their behalf.

One way we do this is to collect information on our caribou hunts each year.
This year, the survey will run from April 19 to April 31.
For more information, please see the survey poster or get in contact with the Ya’thi Néné Land and Resource Office Community Land Tech in your community. Everyone who takes part is entered in a draw to win 45 gallons of fuel!