Why is this Agreement being negotiated?

Canada did not recognize that the Athabasca Denesuline had Treaty #8 or #10 rights North of 60 (NWT and Nunavut). We took Canada to court in 1991 to have our Treaty or aboriginal rights recognized. This has led to out-of-court settlement negotiations that will outline our rights, benefits and obligations that will be protected under the Constitution.

Why did we decide to negotiate rather than continue the court case?

Even though negotiations have taken many years, a court case would also have been very long and costly. The court case was limited to recognition of Athabasca Denesuline rights north of 60, but the negotiations also include recognition of rights, land ownership, a settlement area, resource management, financial compensation and other benefits. A court action might not have been successful OR only recognized limited rights.

Where will our rights under the Final Agreement apply?
  • Our rights, benefits and obligations under the Agreement will apply within the Settlement Area (Nuhenené) north of 60º in NWT and Nunavut, as well as a harvesting area within Nunavut.
  • This vast area covers most of our traditional use area north of 60º, including a majority of sites and places that our Elders and land users identified as important.
  • Nuhenené was selected based on lengthy consultation, advice and approval from community Elders, land users and AD leadership.